A CMS platform to rapidly deploy editorial content to mass audiences. Spark is a custom built responsive web application that enables editors and content creators to swiftly publish content through a clean and incredibly fast interface. It’s the platform that drives Future US’s large scale high volume websites.

The platform features responsive design, parallax images, content galleries, a built-in ecommerce affiliate platform and infinite stream.

Three main goals of the platform

  1. Provide a clean and fast responsive interface that editors could easily deploy article and video content on a laptop, tablet or phone
  2. Rapidly deploy large scale websites sites using a series of custom designed themes
  3. Increase traffic, decrease bounce rate

The Process

After determining goals, the product team set out a series of requirements for Spark. We identified the most successful page templates that editors used and crafted a back-end experience that removed friction and frustration. To respond to breaking news content, we designed a streamlined and responsive approach to publishing articles. Ease of use and fast content creation were paramount to the platform and speed became a huge factor for user experience.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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